Aaron T. Murphy is an ordained minister, has a B.S. Degree in Construction Engineering & Technology from East Tennessee State University, a Master of Divinity from Emmanuel Christian Seminary and a Doctorate in Biblical Studies from Upper Room Seminary. Pastor Aaron is the President/ Founder of New Community Life and leads the NCL Leadership Coordination as they aim to equip, educate and empower Kingdom Leaders in their households, churches, local communities, work place, and world for the glory of Jesus Christ. He also serves as the Senior Pastor at Thankful Baptist Church and the CEO/Executive Director of Good Samaritan Ministries. He thrives on seeing souls saved, people walking out their God given destinies and the Kingdom of God expanding here on earth as it is in Heaven. He has a call to reach the unchurched and serve the least of these. Pastor Aaron is the husband to Courtney and the father of RIM who both serve God along side him. For more info about Aaron, please go to